Spring is the perfect time of the year when pollination occurs across the world. And one insect which has been fundamental in the process is the yellow-black coin-sized insect- the Bee.

Ever noticed the Queen bee- the CEO of the hive? She manages the overall operations of the hive, the organizational structure, strategy, and communications. She delegates the task aptly, making sure the progeny continues as they build a new hive every spring. She represents the energy of the sun and supplier of sweetness to life. She symbolizes industriousness, creativity, an eye for detail, diligence, leadership, sustainability, and resourcefulness. A perfect balance of femininity, fertility, growth, and motherhood. She is the showrunner and the showstopper.
Well, she is not the only queen that I have come across. There sure are more you all personally may know. I know one such lady and I call her Ammi (mother in Urdu)
She is in her 60’and all her life she had dedicated herself to being a devoted wife, running the family, and raising five wonderful children. Her life is not as busy as it used to be. We encourage her to do something that she is passionate about, follow her hobbies, start a business, or travel the world. It’s all about chasing your dreams. But I guess, she already has accomplished her dreams when she sees all of us being successful in our own stride.
What she needs today is a simple routine, where she has wholesome nourishment for her physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being.

She is old-fashioned and loves to have home-cooked meals. She plays with my nephew in the afternoon and that’s her workout. She may go for a walk in the evening to socialize with other ladies from our community. Her morning routine is reading the daily newspaper and solving the crossword puzzle. She performs her daily prayers and recites the Holy book of the Quran. And just like that, in her own simple way, she achieves her daily health goals. This is a routine of many elderly ladies around us, which is Picture perfect. What she needs from me and my siblings, is just our time and a bit of pampering.
So, ladies, when I keep saying that you need to keep yourselves healthy and mindful- Pre, during, or postmenopause- you really don’t need too much. You need to just find what nourishes your mind body and soul.
If you don’t relate to the above story, don’t forget that you are the queen, and a queen is not bound by any rules, when moving on the chessboard.
BTW, UAE celebrated Mother’s Day on 21st March and you could express your gratitude to your mother by gifting her one of our choicest collections on Fitaminat. The Women’s Comprehensive Health Pack is especially the perfect gift for her because it covers almost all the aspects of women's health.
About the blogger:
Dr. Tabassum Inamdar is a dynamic Homeopath, a passionate artist, and an adventurer. From Medical corporate to Academics, she has balanced her left brain and right brain with equal passion for Art. She writes a series of blogs “No pause at Menopause” in collaboration with @at.meno.pause.ae. A sketch artist since childhood, she is enchanted by theatre and writing. She is a regular theatre performer in Dubai. She continues life’s adventure by trekking, Sky diving, or Marshalling at Formula 1 tracks. You may stalk her @doctabu (IG) or say hello @tabu.inamdar (FB)