Hair loss comes hand in hand with Menopause along with the other symptoms. It's the fluctuating hormones that cause hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, mood swings, and yes, that dreaded hair loss! Menopause is a sign when your body produces less estrogen and progesterone, sadly enough these are the hormones that help hair growth and are essential for strengthening the hair follicles.
Here are a few tips to help you cope with the loss and prevent it from further damage.

Well-balanced supplemented diet
Our diets may not be able to provide the optimum levels of certain minerals that are required for healthy hair growth like biotin, collagen, etc. It’s important we include foodstuff that is rich in these minerals that promote hair health, however, it’s difficult to be able to eat the correct amount of minerals, and hence supplementing your diet with Bioglan Marine Collage or Boldify Hair Gummies is an excellent idea and will also promote hair health.
Reduce stress
Stress contributes greatly to the hormonal levels in the body, which may, in turn, cause hair loss. It’s important to keep stress away, meditating, doing yoga, and doing stress-relieving activities will always help keep stress away.
Avoid Chemicals on your hair
Chemicals present in hair sprays, hair gels, and hair dyes can cause hair to break, which will make your hair appear thinner. It’s a good idea to avoid them and use products that are sulfate-free and paraben-free like the Boldify shampoo and hair conditioner.
For more details, check out this article on 5 Ways of Boosting your Self–Confidence during Menopause
Styling it right
Since menopause will naturally cause hair fall and hair thinning, it’s always a good idea to get it styled accordingly. There are haircuts that reduce the breaking of hair as well as hairstyles that make flat hair look fuller. Therefore, hit the salon and get yourself styled to give a fuller, healthier scalp.
Follow a healthy hair care routine
Since hair needs special care and attention, it’s important to follow a healthy hair regimen that includes hair oil massages (gentle massages), hair spas, and hair nourishing treatments.
Cover up when needed
Many women are very conscious about their scalp showing after hair loss, thanks to Boldify Hair Fibers you need not worry about that anymore. Hair Building Fibers are made from keratin, the same protein your hair is made from. They are virtually undetectable, just spray them into your roots and you are good to go! Go ahead try it, your secret is safe with us!
Before I finish this blog there is something I need to mention. Menopause comes with a lot of changes and hair loss is one of them, sadly, it can be depressing for a self-conscious woman. Please know that you are not alone, and there are steps and measures you can take to reduce hair loss and also make your scalp look fuller. So don’t worry, don’t get depressed embrace this change like any other change, and do the above so that you never lose your confidence!