Menopause can be a rough ride, meditation like other alternative therapies is here to make your ride a little less rough. Mindfulness comes with meditation, and this may help in easing menopause symptoms like stress, hot flashes, and even sleeplessness at night. Studies have shown that meditation may cool hot flashes. Therefore, meditation is an integral part of managing menopause symptoms.
Here are 3 ways in which you may benefit from meditation
PPP - Puts Priority in Perspective
The symptoms of menopause are not easy, and usually while trying to cope with these symptoms we tend to lose ourselves. We lose our ability to think clearly, we lose sight of our health and wellness and we also lose our self-confidence. Studies have shown that meditation can relieve symptoms like brain fog, depression, and even hot flashes. By getting rid of these annoying symptoms you will have a better perspective of putting priorities in a place like your mental and physical wellbeing.
ZZZ - Better Sleep
Sleepless nights are a very common symptom of menopause. While there are natural remedies like Calmvalera that can help you sleep, meditation also helps. Studies have shown that meditation helps improve sleep quality, attention levels, and insomnia during post-menopause. Meditation before bedtime is a great practice and should be adopted by women especially those affected by sleep disorders during menopause.
Removes SAD - Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
Research shows that meditation fuels up the parasympathetic nervous system creating a shift for the body to move from stress to a calmer and relaxed state. Mental health during menopause primarily gets affected by the unwanted symptoms of menopause. For women who haven't experienced stress, anxiety, and depression before this can become very overwhelming.
Meditation is a solo practice hence when done in peace and oneness it may be most effective. It's important to be in a peaceful quiet environment to be able to relax into your thoughts. Relax, breathe, meditate, and menopause away.